Thursday, November 20, 2008


i've been in the studio mixing up some live tracks from our show at harper's last may. they sound great and we're really excited about them.

some of us in the band are heading into the last semester of college. this is crazy shit... we have to decide what we want to do in the real world, how we're going to make our mark, and whether we want to keep playing music together.

i've decided that i'm going to keep playing. jake and sham are going to school to be studio cats, so i'm sure they'll keep playing. shane and phil are figuring things out. one thing i do know is that these next six months could be the last for The Project, or it could be the beginning of an evolution that readies the band for some national success in musical circles.

what does this mean for you all?

if you want the music to keep coming, let us know. keep tabs on the site, come see some shows, and grab some free live downloads. we really just want to share the music with you, and we're working really hard writing material and spending hours in the studio to get you guys what you deserve. thanks for everything so far, and we look forward to keeping the dialogue open between the fans and the band.

on tap in the next six months:

1. the release of our long-awaited second EP (should drop around mid january)
2. the release of our first ever live-EP (in the final mixing stages and should drop in the next few weeks)
3. our first ever CHICAGO shows (mid june)
4. some boston club shows and a possible concert cruise in late may

hopefully you're all along for the ride. here's a track my dad used to play for me. it's an old school folksy beatles song that i've been in love with for a long time.

Peace, Love, & Music,


in the headphones:
norweigan wood - the beatles