Thursday, January 22, 2009

one_ one_

we're putting the final touches on the album. it's gonna be ready in a few weeks.

before that happens, i have to use this blog to talk about vinyl records, because one of the tunes on the EP is about the rise and fall of this resurrecting media.

one of my buddies got a record player in his spot and we've been spinning records for a few months now. we've all stolen records from our parents, we've bought them used for $4, and we've spent hard cash on new ones (ya, we're broke too... but it's so GRATIFYING). but the sound of a vinyl record... that warm, vintage, crackly authenticity is what has been turning my world around for the last few months.

in this "digital age," we're used to getting our music in mythical files called "mp3s," that we can never actually see. they come out of our crappy computer speakers or shitty earbud headphones, and we trade them freely over networks.

i fucking hate it.

at the record store, i buy ACTUAL RECORDS that i can take home with me on the recommendation of some old dude who smokes a lot of pot (he knows what's up, by the way... as do 95% of record store dudes). after i come home from the record store, i listen to a work of artistic talent... not just a randomly arranged collection of singles on an ipod.

it's too bad pressing vinyl is so expensive. i promise, if we sell enough digital copies of our new EP, we'll print vinyl before we ever make a CD again.


in the headphones:

vinyl sound - the project

too bad you guys can't yet hear this track. it's about this dude named "Mr. Recordman." he's born, he's mine, then he dies - and it's our fault. the way the music listening community is headed, the "record" as we know it might be dead. but we're hopeful... we're trying to make people aware that a revolution is necessary. if the purchasing public demands more creativity and thought before they buy music, then the bands and record companies will be forced to change.

this is our cause. when the EP comes out, support it.

even if you don't, though. do yourself a favor and go listen to your favorite band on vinyl.