Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Number Five.

Everyone loves buzz words.


Yet it's rare that anyone has a chance to think about what they actually mean, or whether the music they're characterizing with such words actually has an impact on the society around them.

At Boston College, we're in a pretty cool spot. There has been NO music... NO originality... NO musical creativity on campus for a few years now. Other than that dude from The Hold Steady (Craig Finn, BC class of '93), BC has been a graveyard where creative talent goes to rot under an avalanche of scarlet tape.

So we decided to say fuck that. The Project wants to actively push boundaries and get the students here what we deserve: quality original thought and a forum for kids with such opinions to voice them.

The Roots in Conte? A disaster... Ludacris on campus? Too vulgar... Kids getting arrested for tailgating? Ridiculous...

Instead of bitching and whining, we've decided to take action. When you come to our shows, you are escaping campus and riding into a Boston "scene" that is full of fun to be had. There are no RAs breathing down your neck, no BCPD to bust into your room and arrest you for a joint. Sure... we've broken a few administrative rules with our advertising. Ya, we probably piss you off with the facebook and myspace messages that flood your inbox.

But its all for a good cause.

It's because we want our music to be a driving force behind originality in an academic atmosphere that is as stale and static as any I have been around (BC). That's not to harsh on the kids here - its NOT YOUR FAULT! The administration sets the norms and the students are forced to follow them.

Public Enemy said:
"The revolution won't be televised..."

They were absolutely right. If you want change in anything, you can make it happen yourself. Public Enemy also said, "It takes a nation of millions to hold us back." If you have a few good people on your side, initiative, and a noble cause, it takes a lot for you to fail.

By the time we're done playing music (as the same entity, at least) next May, we hope that we can build a sustainable "scene" at Boston College. We hope that "indie" bands, teeming with "originality" push one another to challenge boundaries, innovate, and create. We want freshmen with talent to be able to speak their minds to the MASSES without censorship or administrative pressure... because THAT is how bands are formed. THAT is how people find fun shit to do in the city with their friends.

Listen to our call. Read our manifesto. Question authority.


We are Boston.
We are College.
We are Rock.

The Project.
Boston. College. Rock.


Peace, Love, & Revolution,

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