Monday, October 19, 2009


young people music to get stoned and discover love to. sex and happiness - drugs and invincibility. innocence. growth.

and you move past it.

into a world of plastic flowers, adult conversation, and proper etiquitte. words are minced, emotion faked, truth only as often as talk is straight.

and it moves past you.

as the weight of the 9-5 leaves its footprints all over your ambition. as your inhibitions overtake any sort of dream-filled vision of what you can offer tomorrow.

except for the lucky few.

we put them up on pedestals and record stores and bookshelves. revealing themselves at the perfect time.

a long lost friend.

a window to the discovery of someone else’s immortality.

power. authenticity. a rose. your first time. all that’s pure and real and makes you feel so much.

a crush.

die tomorrow, live today. say it your own way, with action and expression - not conflict and oppression.

lest you be crushed.

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