Monday, July 13, 2009

a thousand words.

take it from me.

photography is one of the more involved ways to experience reality. personally, i am a huge fan of taking film shots and spending time in a darkroom turning them into works of art. it's a hobby i picked up in college and i continue to this day.

in the same vein as vinyl records, film photography just feels like a much more organic, artistic act when compared to digital. it's more authentic, more involved, and a much more "raw" representation of the physical world.

at the same time, a great photographer can manipulate reality in a way that means something far more universal and impactful.

at the heart of the revolution is inspiration. find yours.

it doesn't matter what your profession, or how far out of touch you are with your "creative side." people seem to have forgotten how amazing its feels when they create something new... something original... something beautiful...

instead, imitation and tunnel vision plague our generation. the creative ones are looked at as rebels, freaks, or attention seekers.

instead of the originators they are.

find inspiration. seek creativity. support soul. write. sing. take. a poem. a song. a picture.

a thousand words.

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