Wednesday, July 1, 2009

the real world.

so i just finished up my second week of my career (aka "the rest of my life").

all in all, i couldn't be happier. i feel like this concept of revolution has already been applicable to the campaigns that we are running. to provide a little background, i've just started working at the chicago leg of D*gitas (to protect the innocent, characters will be left out), an online and interactive advertising agency. the client i have been assigned to is Walgreens, which is a fantastic brand with a little bit of modernizing to do.

don't worry, my deal is that i activate influencers who stand by the brand. i modernize, baby.

what does this have to do with the revolution?

basically, we are NOT merely spewing advertisements at people. we are in the unique position to become a part of someone's online experience. to have a CONVERSATION with them, rather than just talk AT them. after all, don't you hate it when you're at a party talking to someone and they are clearly just waiting for you to shut your mouth so that they can talk? unbelievably annoying...

oh, and don't worry: i've written 4 or 5 new songs, enlisted a drummer, and will be auditioning musicians for the next month or so to put together a worthy platform to spread my message.

the revolution is still in progress.

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