Thursday, November 5, 2009


i grew wings.
my baby taught me to sing.
listen to that young people music.
spinning fast.
never lasts.

until the moment i figured out, what the moment was all about.
wrote it down.
light a match.
get attached.
until your artistry is snatched by greedy mouths.

and the night sky.
song. cry.
women wine.

and the sun. fly.
so high.
too much pride.

paper burn and fireflies.

and then your brothers will shoot you down.
just shouldn't carry around what makes you smile.
call it truth.
more like youth.
masquerading as an old man in denial.

and the night sky.
song. cry.
women wine.

and the sun. fly.
so high.
too much pride.

paper burn and fireflies.

Monday, October 19, 2009


young people music to get stoned and discover love to. sex and happiness - drugs and invincibility. innocence. growth.

and you move past it.

into a world of plastic flowers, adult conversation, and proper etiquitte. words are minced, emotion faked, truth only as often as talk is straight.

and it moves past you.

as the weight of the 9-5 leaves its footprints all over your ambition. as your inhibitions overtake any sort of dream-filled vision of what you can offer tomorrow.

except for the lucky few.

we put them up on pedestals and record stores and bookshelves. revealing themselves at the perfect time.

a long lost friend.

a window to the discovery of someone else’s immortality.

power. authenticity. a rose. your first time. all that’s pure and real and makes you feel so much.

a crush.

die tomorrow, live today. say it your own way, with action and expression - not conflict and oppression.

lest you be crushed.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


it seems good things come in threes.

the three legs of the iconic peace image that drove revolution and change. the three leaves on a the clover that never seems to age. the three beats in a waltz... like the last one on fillmore's stage.

yet if i write with a rhythm that can be arranged into threes, it seems that i start to lose peoples' attention.

they say they only want things in fours.

four over four. eight over eight. it seems like society wants it straight... they want it in a predictable, digestible, vaccinated production that lacks soul. without this soul it is empty... a person who seems to have lost the will to live. music and art and revolution full of such empty promises and misguided desires can culminate in progress or regression. obviously, regression is fucking weak.

so we've identified the problem with thinking in fours - its regressive.

many revolutionaries, from the beatles to those fools in the management dptmt. have utilized four/four. doesn't it get old?


this leads me (in a roundabout-never-thought-i-would-get-there-way) to my point. four-on-the-floor funk just seems to hit your deepest parts better than almost any other kind of beat. it's the 1, 2, 3, 4 that makes the world go round and keeps my heart beating.

feel no pain.

that's the only thing about music that matters. luckily, it's just three words.


#intheheadphones :: bob marley - rastaman vibration

roots. rock. reggae.
yup, of course it's a three.

Friday, September 4, 2009

drive. wind. dead.

tin can, suntan; pen running circles round the words between the lines.

you'd better head back to tennessee, jed. you'd better not remember me dead. fade back to where you came from black jack smack in the middle of the war between the times.

sometimes streams run through my thoughts and make their way onto a page. sometimes bob speaks to you and sometimes the sun is pouring tears of rage. it feels ambitious and futile, but i want to keep trying.

to change it all.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

re: social media hustlas...

so i had a few solid responses on the last blog.

got me to thinking: i think a lot of you guys are dead on when you talk about how bad for business monetizing social media might be.

here's my short, simple solution... and it, too, is on the consumer to be selective:

the consumer has to start to value advertising and communications that improve their life (rather than try to sell them product). if brands that provide you value - be it entertainment, health benefits, love advice, etc. - start to sell more product, the advertising and marketing world will be forced to change in order to keep pace.

just look at the brands that are using twitter well right now - whole foods, target, and now best buy (based on their new commercial of a woman shouting to a football stadium of help technicians... brilliant btw). they are embracing new media, adding value to their customer experience, and grabbing share of market at a time when people are looking to start spending again.

maybe these new media channels won't need to charge for services, but they will become a forum for people to interact with brands. we need to reward those brands that are communicating well by buying their products.

this might be a little out there, so here's an example:
zappos has changed the way people think about customer service and ease-of-ordering online. of course, their competitors are starting to adopt their practices in order to survive. this improves the experience for potential online shoe-shoppers, no matter where they order from.

in the same way, if whole foods is changing their product offerings, customer service structure, etc. because a few people hit them up on twitter with suggestions, their grocery store will sell more product. their competitors will have to adjust and become more communicative themselves, and the consumer wins.

so start rewarding those entities (retail, etc.) that communicate well with you as a consumer... it'll make the world a better place for all.


#intheheadphones :: wilco (the album)

well, wilco has done it again. in the opening title track, "wilco (the song)," jeff tweedy croons, "wilco will love you baby," and describes his sextet as a "sonic shoulder for you to cry on." this record is unbelievable. lead guitarist nels cline continues to gracefully blend art rock, jazz, and country twang to accent tweedy's insightful lyricism and composition.

buy this. ideally on vinyl...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

put up, or shut up.

so my twitter account has been down for about a week now, after some issues with caused me to disable my account.

i can't restore it because my registered e-mail is invalid. i may not be able to get my 1,500 followers back or have access to my carefully-crafted voice, etc.

after swearing at the computer a bit, laughing at twitter's automated e-mail responses, and otherwise killing time on the weekend, my annoyance led me to think about whether or not the channel is useful, whether it's a "flash in the pan," etc.

as much as it currently bothers me, i've decided that twitter is pretty functional (i know, groundbreaking insight, right?). in spite of its infancy, it has extreme value as the evolution of marketing and journalism. brands, celebrities, politicians, etc. communicate directly to the consumer. there is no third party editorializing, zero filter, and nothing to stop an individual from communicating with his or her chosen personality.

my only fear for twitter is that they are furthering the perception of modernity that things on the internet should be free.

hosting isn't free.
tech development isn't free.
legal consult isn't free.

so why wouldn't you expect to pay for a service like this? to top it off, the minute a site tries to monetize by including advertisements, its users complain that the site has "sold out," and that "the man is wrecking their internet lives."

get over it.

if the advertising is respectful, if it provides value to you (the consumer), and if it is targeted to start conversations that you personally might find interesting or insightful, then you have nothing to complain about.

either put up, or shut up.

cause this sh*t ain't free, homie...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


3:49pm. tuesday. july 21. 200therestofmylife...

and i've had a minute to think about where i sit. i've caved to the corporate structure of a major national blah blah entity. i have given up on my dreams of changing the world through music in exchange for stability in life, predictability, and some sweet business cards.

i was lucky that i had options... and i feel even more fortunate that i might even be able to keep playing and writing music going forward. shane (the co-songwriter & lead guitarist in the project) and i put some of our deepest creative impulses down on tape over the last three years. but there's a catch: i feel like we weren't able to achieve the reach and impact that we could have. i would have loved to be able to influence more kids... to develop a community of artistry and creation centered around our revolutionary idea.

on the flip side, i think we did alright for a few kids who liked to get faded and play some tunes. i had so much fun making music, that it spoiled me...

but, again, i'm lucky. in the advertising world, i've found the resources and platform to be able to share this point of view. i work in a creative environment with access to some of the most influential broadcast resources and some of the most recognizable brands on the planet. i have embraced popular culture and commercialism for the greater good of revolutionizing an industry.

lofty goals.

people often dismiss them, but it's what turned a stupid college band into a form of art that i was proud to have been a part of... a collective of talented musicians (myself EXcluded)... who could bump a party or lay down timeless tracks in a studio.

i hope i can bring this passion and enthusiasm to my job. i feel like i'm in the right position to do it. i also feel like the current social atmosphere is rife with opportunities to really connect with people... be it through advertising or music. hopefully this movement can salvage good old-fashioned original thought and creativity.

maybe i should say, "fuck the revolution." if i acknowledge that talk of a movement is nothing without supporters, maybe people will realize its up to them to get involved.

probably not.

either way, i appreciate everyone's ear. i am thankful for the position i am in. though i've worked hard to get here, i'd be an idiot not to realize...

how lucky i really am.

:: in the headphones

phish - 6.20.09 (alpine valley, wi)

these guys absolutely kill it on this bootleg. sure, they're getting a little old and losing a step. but name 4 musicians on the radio today that can play tracks with this much enthousiasm and musicality. it's a shame that people write them off as "hippie jam freaks..." because there have been very few groups EVER that synthesize modern rock, party funk, and free-form jazz improvisation as well as phish.

"can this wait 'till i'm old? can i live while i'm young?"

Friday, July 17, 2009

lyrics. #a

man can’t fly

awake in the city | a black cloud above me | perfection of progress | a woman who loved me.

i filled up my lungs with | the air of tomorrow. | and coughing and choking | and swimming in sorrow…

and baby it’s alright | man ain’t never gonna fly away.

i kick start my conscience | with rumors of lightning | it comes in the nighttime | the visions are frightening

and i in this twilight | like daddy before me | see death on the corner | but they still ignore me…

and baby it’s alright | man ain’t never gonna…

feel the air | heavy wings gonna drag and you fall back down |
and in the moment you feel good its understood

you wish you could…

Monday, July 13, 2009

a thousand words.

take it from me.

photography is one of the more involved ways to experience reality. personally, i am a huge fan of taking film shots and spending time in a darkroom turning them into works of art. it's a hobby i picked up in college and i continue to this day.

in the same vein as vinyl records, film photography just feels like a much more organic, artistic act when compared to digital. it's more authentic, more involved, and a much more "raw" representation of the physical world.

at the same time, a great photographer can manipulate reality in a way that means something far more universal and impactful.

at the heart of the revolution is inspiration. find yours.

it doesn't matter what your profession, or how far out of touch you are with your "creative side." people seem to have forgotten how amazing its feels when they create something new... something original... something beautiful...

instead, imitation and tunnel vision plague our generation. the creative ones are looked at as rebels, freaks, or attention seekers.

instead of the originators they are.

find inspiration. seek creativity. support soul. write. sing. take. a poem. a song. a picture.

a thousand words.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

the real world.

so i just finished up my second week of my career (aka "the rest of my life").

all in all, i couldn't be happier. i feel like this concept of revolution has already been applicable to the campaigns that we are running. to provide a little background, i've just started working at the chicago leg of D*gitas (to protect the innocent, characters will be left out), an online and interactive advertising agency. the client i have been assigned to is Walgreens, which is a fantastic brand with a little bit of modernizing to do.

don't worry, my deal is that i activate influencers who stand by the brand. i modernize, baby.

what does this have to do with the revolution?

basically, we are NOT merely spewing advertisements at people. we are in the unique position to become a part of someone's online experience. to have a CONVERSATION with them, rather than just talk AT them. after all, don't you hate it when you're at a party talking to someone and they are clearly just waiting for you to shut your mouth so that they can talk? unbelievably annoying...

oh, and don't worry: i've written 4 or 5 new songs, enlisted a drummer, and will be auditioning musicians for the next month or so to put together a worthy platform to spread my message.

the revolution is still in progress.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

this is the nobska lighthouse on cape cod in woods hole, ma. 3 years ago, i wrote a song about a youthful night of women, wine, and an awesome life experience. i wasn't sure what to name it. phil, the bass player in my band at the time, suggested we call it "nobska."

3 years later, i looked at this beach and lighthouse for the first time. it was as if someone took every memory from that night i had written about and wrapped it up in a beautiful package bordering the ocean in woods hole. i was absolutely taken aback.

sometimes, i feel as if my artistic effort was never appreciated. we didn't sell enough CDs... we didn't reach enough people... we didn't get any radio play... we failed more than we succeeded. but it's places and moments like these that remind me why i made music: to enjoy it with the people i felt most creative with. we were a solid band with heavy messages about love, sex, revolution, and emotion... but i now realize i don't give a fuck that no one listened.

if they had, maybe they would have learned something.

i know i did by writing these songs.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


this is a lost entry i just dug up from my vacation to maui.
(p.s. i burned the notebook)

i just came back from a sick vacation.

i was on the beach, with a bottle and a notebook by my side, chillin out and thinking and writing. it felt awesome. maybe my random thoughts will become songs, and maybe i'll burn that notebook.

yellow bandana twist.

we were twisted like the clouds
just fools up on our backs
the music in the sky
make me feel a little bit...

black ink is moving past
this god damned sun at last
and i can't pass on this, just a pacifist
wishing war upon us all
and then i fall...

blue and red and freedom...
with me in the pouring rain...
in tennessee,
the world was free, and it hit me like this
(doing that)
yellow bandana twist.

emotion love and now
pulling strings that i can't see
inspired coming down
the music loud...

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

writing. (listening).

so the lost art of the written word is a good place to start when thinking about what needs to be done with this revolution of mine.

why is it that our attention spans have shrunk so much?

i'll try to keep this short, but it's the rushing, speeding, blinding way our minds have been trained to work for the last fifty years. everything is done at light speed, with no regard for enjoyment or a deliberate hand.

it is with this in mind that i have decided to do a little bit more writing. i'm manipulating perceptions: people cannot continue to think that living their lives at a million miles an hour will lead to more accomplishment. in reality it will lead to less creativity, more complacency, less personality, and more performance-enhancers and quick-fixes.

more than likely, i am shouting out into an empty abyss... my words echoing off other sound waves and becoming more and more easy to ignore. i'm used to that. i spent three years writing emotional, important, and insightful lyrics... only to have my musical career reduced to performing in front of hundreds of blacked-out college students more interested in where their beer was than what the revolution was about.

that's ok.

none of us like where authority, liability, and litigation has taken us. the generations before us have laid the framework of a society where a job poorly (but quickly) done, is more desirable than art or creativity.

forty years ago, this wasn't the case.

at least people knew how to listen. i hope our generation remembers how important that is.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

life & music.

should i keep playing? i'm thinking the writing can never stop, but i'm wondering what message i will be able to send musically. will i touch ANYONE, or am i destined to be party/club/empty-room background music. do i want to live as an artist in that space? we'll see how the next year or so goes, but i'd like to try with one more band to start this revolution.

i'm in a unique position in the advertising world to touch lives. i can change brand perceptions and influence purchasers... but my real talent lies in connecting someone with that magical feeling of comfort. i remember the first time i saw a jordan brand commercial. it was about the work that went into the development of michael's career. since that day, i have gravitated towards the jordan brand... because it represents the character, performance standards, and class of the man portrayed in that spot.

check it out:

advertising has evolved. like music, there are new rules, new opportunities, etc. my former band, the project, was able to touch many lives all around the world with our music. we developed contacts we could have never dreamed and got positive feedback about our message from all sorts of different kinds of people. technology is making it so that every brand has the opportunity to open up lines of dialogue with their peers, friends, and general consumers. hopefully, my new gig at digitas will open doors and allow me to be involved in such amazing conversation. i want to take advantage of these new lines of dialogue and start a revolution.

changing things for the better... ridding the world of annoying ads, and providing a fresh change of pace.

this is my manifesto. this is my charge:

to change the world through music, advertising, & revolution.


in the headphones:
love & music - the project

for now, i leave you all with a song from what is probably my band's final ep. it's about my two favorite things... its about a moment when the blood rushes to your heart, you forget about the world, and you're stoned on a few things that are bigger than yourself. i think my new job, my new life, and my new goals all fall into this "bigger than" category. however, that's alright... as long as my goals are revolution, change, and impact.

wish me luck.

Monday, June 1, 2009


so i've been writing.

keeping a journal of my shit. whenever something worth talking about hits the journal, i'll throw it up here.

i'm still waiting...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Friday, April 17, 2009

twitter_ (@projectboston)

so we've been up on this for about a month... it's kind of cool. if you miss the show, you can still walk with us through the set! check this:

first "tweet": i'm gonna post our setlist from last night... one song at a time :).

more tweets:
  1. Love & Music :: the bar was pretty crowded, but we came out early with the fire, and let the people know who was boss...
  2. Mr. Recordman :: everyone started to get settled in when we brought it down here... the last chorus was rockin, and fools started chillin
  3. Revolution :: then it was time to drop the banger on em. damn, this song is all grown up. the revolution's on its way, bitches...
  4. "American Girl" :: this modified kanye/estelle track brought it "to the house..." girls were movin and boys was gettin rowdy. yaaaa...
  5. Graffiti :: the is when logan took over. the tightest graffiti we've ever played... in all its junky glory. ear sex.
  6. Take Me Out :: we made this franz ferdinand joint STRAIGHT FUNKY. the house was kinda burnin up at this point :)
  7. funky bitch (colt .45) :: mayhem. insanity. "every time I see her" coupled with "colt .45 and two zig-zags, baby that's all we need" yerp
  8. man can't fly :: brought the funk hard. told a story about how fucked up the world is. people listened.
  9. the seed 2.0 :: did my best cody chestnutt and listened to mc phil logan on the mic. ryan owned the pocket on kit - @questlove lookout!
  10. nobska :: we finally unveiled nobska v4.0. hard to believe this song is still growing 3 years after we wrote it. but it was my highlight
  11. The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Theme :: frunk.
  12. Three Step Drop :: just tore the roof off this track. great end to a great night. shane's last solo... mmmm... goodnight!!!
  13. jazz + funk = junk. ::

we had a great time at wonderbar last night. the revolution was in full force... big, tall line, but it was movin. definitely ignant... just how we like it. that's gonna happen again, fasho...

and all for $free.99!


in the headphones: erykah badu - bag lady

"momma's gun," the sister record to d'angelo's "voodoo" and common's "like water for chocolate," is neo-soul deliciousness. her trill vocals carry weight and tha support musicians lay down such fat grooves. this is a "sun-out-smoke-rings-flyin-drinking-a-beer" record. yup, about that kind of day out here at revolution headquarters...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

running out of time (#_20)

so it's almost all over.

the revolution will keep on rolling, but it'll lose its junky voice out in chestnut hill. i've been thinking a lot lately about what this band means to me... but more importantly what it means to everyone else around me. we've had an awesome run... we've played with some amazing musicians and rocked some awesome rooms. but i feel like our message hasn't quite gotten the traction that we'd hoped.

the community in 'tha hill has been a bit less than supportive, but it's because they have the wrong outlook. you aren't coming to the show to support your friends, you're coming because you want to party... because you want to be part of something bigger than yourself... because you want to think for yourself and decide if you smell what we're steppin' in. because you want to be taken to a different, better place where there's good music, good people, good times, and the beer flows all night long.

we talk about revolution... about change. we wax nostalgic, but we look towards the future. we've written songs about love, songs about hate, songs about the struggle. but most of all, we have tried to connect with people and bring them along our musical ride.

sure, maybe we don't repeat the same phrase 50 times in our tracks to DRILL. IT. INTO. YOUR. HEAD... but maybe that's because we WANT you to have to listen, absorb, and feel.

but don't get us wrong... we haven't forgotten that the main reason we love playing music is making people dance, sing, and party. so that's why we've been working on some dope covers and some funky, upbeat grooves that even ya motha would want to grind to.

we're playing a few house parties between now and the end of may.

then the project is going to hang up the nike boots... at least for a pretty solid chunk of time.

thanks for all the support, go get the new album, look back on some pictures you have from past shows and parties, and remember that we love you and we loved that you wanted to be a part of what we were doing.

the revolution's still on it's way... you guys are just going to have to make you don't forget what it was all about.

peace, love, & rock,
the project


in the headphones:

d'angelo - send it on

if you like music with substance... music with soul... sexual music... music with heart and groove... then d'angelo's voodoo album should be your bible. everyone should listen to this album at least once through. it was the heart of the late 90's soul revolution.

they smelled what we were steppin in.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Man Can't Fly

The Second Studio EP From The Project.

Junk Rock. Jazz/Funk Awesomeness.
Download Your Copy Today:

Monday, March 30, 2009


this guy gets it.

here's the story behind the album title, "Man Can't Fly."

we can do so much as a society. technology has made it so that we don't have to leave our houses in order to be entertained, educated, and connected. we can get in a plane and travel to Guam, we can LEAVE EARTH (!), and we can fix genetic deficiencies with stem-cells.

in the midst of all of this chaos, i think people are starting to lose track of the fallibility that makes us all human. without mortality, we would be robots... devoid of emotion, and lacking original thought and the capacity to innovate.

man can do lots of shit, but he still can't fly... he'll never be able to. once he can flap his arms and lift off the ground, he won't be a man anymore. but i've embraced this... technology will come and go, but we'll always have our humanity, and the beauty in our imperfections.


in the headphones:

man can't fly - the project

"awake in the city.
a black cloud above me.
perfection of progress.
a woman who loved me.
i filled up my lungs with.
the air of tomorrow.
and coughing and choking.
and swimming in sorrow.

but its alright.
man ain't never gonna fly away."

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


so i've been tweeting.

no, i'm not a fucking bird, i've just been using this pre-teen jibber-jabber thing: some call it twitter, some call it satan. ya, i know... i'm part of the problem.

check this out:

but you know what, its kind of cool to just shout into the empty cyber-universe. as for the band, we've gained another 15-20 followers this week alone (mailing list signups and blog followers) and i'm pretty sure i have twitter to thank.

look out for some info on the junky new album. it drops in t-minus 11 days.

the project (boston dot com)


in the headphones:

soul dream - the greyboy allstars

you might recognize this track, as the horn line has been sampled by quite a few hip-hop artists, but this is nu-jazz and funk at its finest. if any of you like medeski, or soulive, etc., you NEED to hear fred wesley (james brown's slide player) and the greyboy allstars!

Friday, March 13, 2009


:: 3.13.09

The Project will be releasing their second EP, entitled "Man Can't Fly" on iTunes (worldwide),, and our website on April 4, 2009.

You can preview a few tracks on our myspace page (

We're throwing a CD release party at Bill's Bar on Landsdowne St. in Fenway that night to celebrate (look for ticket info at

Track Listing:
1. Love & Music
2. Man Can't Fly
3. Neighbor's Wife
4. Graffiti
5. Mr. Recordman (Vinyl Sound)

We're so pumped to finally have some new music for you... we hope you're ready to experience some Junky-Ass Rock (Jazz/Funky-Ass Rock).

Welcome to The Project v2.0.

Prepare yoself!

Peace, Love, & Music,
The Project :: Andrew, Shane, Phil, Sham, & Jake

P.S. PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD! Thanks for the support - without you guys, we'd still be screwing around in someone's basement...

Monday, March 9, 2009

numero fourteen

this weekend i drove through hampton, va to try and score some miracle phish tickets for their big-daddy reuinion shows. seeing as i'm a pretty big fan, and was denied tix in the lottery, it was kind of a no-brainer to go try my luck in the lot, and see if someone wanted to make my day.

well apparently 74,999 other people had the same idea... and the venue only holds 12,500.

anyway, this was what a band with a dedicated following should look like. there were people there who had been to over 100, some over 500 phish shows over the last twenty years.

sure, some were wookie-ass hippies, cracked-out heavy drug vendors, and dudes still flashing back to when jerry was playing in san fran... but for the most part, it was just good ol' wholesome music-lovin folk.

i dug it.

i want to thank everyone who helps build a scene like this, from the bands, to the crews, to the fans. these communities are really some of the coolest, purest things on the face of the earth.

that is all.


in the headphones:

fluffhead - phish

Friday, February 13, 2009


so it seems like there's been some push back on the creativity front lately.

did anyone see the grammys? not only did thom yorke and johnny greenwood steal the show with the USC marching band (one word for that: amazing.), but there was some actual talent laying it down on stage all night.

all is not wrong with the world of popular music. jt killed it, al green was still magical, and some crazy british girl with an angel's voice (adele) stole my heart.

i have a feeling people are going to start feeling pressure to fight back against the despair and impersonality that has characterized this generation. especially with the way the economy is going... sure, president obama (still feels good to say that) will change things, but its going to take time. for now, artists will actually feel what it's like to hurt. people might feel what its like to struggle, or to have the strength of character to persevere in the face of a challenge.

i don't wish bad things on anyone, but our generation has such a strong sense of entitlement that it might be time we fought our own battles - rather than paying homage to those that have been fought before us.

i know robyn thicke and weezy's performance may not have been on top of everyone's list, and new orleans might be in the back of everyone's mind. but when the dirty dozen brass band came out and marched through the crowd in a tribute to that fallen mecca of creativity, it gave me hope in the future.

i'm running from my problems and i can see the clouds are starting to break.

feet, don't fail me now.


in the headphones:

when the levees break - led zeppelin

Monday, February 2, 2009

(#_44) barack_obama

power to the people waving flags and shit
its another generation heading north
marching strong past hatred racially united
as divided as a nation on the fourth

its the simplicity of a clenched up fist
it’s the futile implications of the fight
and when we all got together seemingly excited
we decided there’s no color in the night

the sun comes up
the music blares
the windows down
in hope we stare

cause its time. we’ll finally be fine.

on a cold plain day on the steps of change
stand refreshed because our confidence is wealth
fuel the fire with desire its the progress in our minds
the time is ripe for him to nurse us back to health

and when tomorrow comes we’ll speak our minds
feeling pressure from the rising tide of hope
just as the river cut through rock, we walk in footprints from the past

good morning.

hope this headache doesn’t last.


in the headphones:

young jeezy - my president is black

"my president is black, my lambo's blue, and i'll be goddamned if my rims aint too"

Thursday, January 22, 2009

one_ one_

we're putting the final touches on the album. it's gonna be ready in a few weeks.

before that happens, i have to use this blog to talk about vinyl records, because one of the tunes on the EP is about the rise and fall of this resurrecting media.

one of my buddies got a record player in his spot and we've been spinning records for a few months now. we've all stolen records from our parents, we've bought them used for $4, and we've spent hard cash on new ones (ya, we're broke too... but it's so GRATIFYING). but the sound of a vinyl record... that warm, vintage, crackly authenticity is what has been turning my world around for the last few months.

in this "digital age," we're used to getting our music in mythical files called "mp3s," that we can never actually see. they come out of our crappy computer speakers or shitty earbud headphones, and we trade them freely over networks.

i fucking hate it.

at the record store, i buy ACTUAL RECORDS that i can take home with me on the recommendation of some old dude who smokes a lot of pot (he knows what's up, by the way... as do 95% of record store dudes). after i come home from the record store, i listen to a work of artistic talent... not just a randomly arranged collection of singles on an ipod.

it's too bad pressing vinyl is so expensive. i promise, if we sell enough digital copies of our new EP, we'll print vinyl before we ever make a CD again.


in the headphones:

vinyl sound - the project

too bad you guys can't yet hear this track. it's about this dude named "Mr. Recordman." he's born, he's mine, then he dies - and it's our fault. the way the music listening community is headed, the "record" as we know it might be dead. but we're hopeful... we're trying to make people aware that a revolution is necessary. if the purchasing public demands more creativity and thought before they buy music, then the bands and record companies will be forced to change.

this is our cause. when the EP comes out, support it.

even if you don't, though. do yourself a favor and go listen to your favorite band on vinyl.